LOCUS AAM46064 648 aa linear BCT 02-JUN-2002 DEFINITION DNA gyrase beta subunit [Peanut witches'-broom phytoplasma]. ACCESSION AAM46064 VERSION AAM46064.1 GI:21309845 DBSOURCE accession AF263924.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Peanut witches'-broom phytoplasma ORGANISM Peanut witches'-broom phytoplasma Bacteria; Firmicutes; Mollicutes; Acholeplasmatales; Acholeplasmataceae; Candidatus Phytoplasma; 16SrII (Peanut WB group). REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 648) AUTHORS Chuang,J.G. and Lin,C.P. TITLE Clong and analysis of gyrB and gyrA Genes of Phytoplasma Associated with Peanut Witches' Broom JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 648) AUTHORS Chuang,J.G. and Lin,C.P. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (05-MAY-2000) Plant Pathology, National Taiwan University, 1 Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 106, Republic of China COMMENT Method: conceptual translation supplied by author. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..648 /organism="Peanut witches'-broom phytoplasma" /db_xref="taxon:35772" Protein 1..648 /product="DNA gyrase beta subunit" /name="GyrB" Region 14..648 /region_name="GyrB" /note="Type IIA topoisomerase (DNA gyrase/topo II, topoisomerase IV), B subunit [DNA replication, recombination, and repair]; COG0187" /db_xref="CDD:30536" Region 46..>140 /region_name="HATPase_c" /note="Histidine kinase-like ATPases; This family includes several ATP-binding proteins for example: histidine kinase, DNA gyrase B, topoisomerases, heat shock protein HSP90, phytochrome-like ATPases and DNA mismatch repair proteins; cd00075" /db_xref="CDD:28956" Region 237..392 /region_name="TopoII_Trans_DNA_gyrase" /note="TopoIIA_Trans_DNA_gyrase: Transducer domain, having a ribosomal S5 domain 2-like fold, of the type found in proteins of the type IIA family of DNA topoisomerases similar to the B subunits of E; cd00822" /db_xref="CDD:48467" Region 434..546 /region_name="TOPRIM_TopoIIA_GyrB" /note="TOPRIM_TopoIIA_GyrB: topoisomerase-primase (TOPRIM) nucleotidyl transferase/hydrolase domain of the type found in proteins of the type IIA family of DNA topoisomerases similar to the Escherichia coli GyrB subunit; cd03366" /db_xref="CDD:48239" Region 573..638 /region_name="DNA_gyraseB_C" /note="DNA gyrase B subunit, carboxyl terminus; pfam00986" /db_xref="CDD:41059" CDS 1..648 /gene="gyrB" /coded_by="AF263924.1:2974..4920" /transl_table=11 ORIGIN 1 mskndkknke nlgeysassi eilegleavr kkpgmyidsv tmkgayhliw eiidnsidea 61 lagyateiil kifpdnvvsv sdngrgipvd ihpktkksav etilttlhag gkfknapnsk 121 nysysggqhg vgasvvnals twftveicln gkiyyqkyek gvpttslqii gntnkrgtni 181 kflpdetifq dikntpysld vlkkrvqqla flnknvklii edlrleppqi infyskggiq 241 eylqylnenk kvlnqpfyqe ssenniflei afqynenyis niysfvnnip theggtheeg 301 fkmalnrils kyakdknllk kdlsfigedt legitaiial khydplfegq tkarlgnydm 361 rqfvskhfgi alesyllenp qeakkiidkc llaakarvaa kkareitrkk spldtlsfas 421 kladcrtkdp slaelyiveg dsaggsakqg rdssfqailp lrgkiinvek arlnkilvnn 481 eiisliqsfg tgfdkefnis karyhkiiim tdadvdgahi rtllltfffr qfrplienny 541 iyfaqpplyk vqnnkkisyf yteqdlknfm srknnsqkiv vqrykglgem naeqlwettm 601 dpatrtllqv kledaveadr iftmlmgeev snrkifiqen atyadidi //