LOCUS BAD07005 136 aa linear BCT 09-JAN-2004 DEFINITION protein translocase subunit SecE [Onion yellows phytoplasma]. ACCESSION BAD07005 VERSION BAD07005.1 GI:40786355 DBSOURCE accession AB110270.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Onion yellows phytoplasma ORGANISM Onion yellows phytoplasma Bacteria; Firmicutes; Mollicutes; Acholeplasmatales; Acholeplasmataceae; Candidatus Phytoplasma; Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris. REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Kakizawa,S., Oshima,K., Nishigawa,H., Jung,H.Y., Wei,W., Suzuki,S., Tanaka,M., Miyata,S., Ugaki,M. and Namba,S. TITLE Secretion of immunodominant membrane protein from onion yellows phytoplasma through the Sec protein-translocation system in Escherichia coli JOURNAL Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 150 (PT 1), 135-142 (2004) PUBMED 14702406 REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 136) AUTHORS Namba,S., Ugaki,M., Oshima,K. and Kakizawa,S. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (19-MAY-2003) Shigetou Namba, The University of Tokyo, Division of Integrated Biosciences; Kashiwanoha 5-1-5, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba 277-8562, Japan (, Tel:81-4-7136-3700(ex.63701), Fax:81-4-7136-3701) FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..136 /organism="Onion yellows phytoplasma" /db_xref="taxon:100379" Protein 1..136 /product="protein translocase subunit SecE" CDS 1..136 /gene="secE" /coded_by="AB110270.1:811..1221" /transl_table=11 ORIGIN 1 mgikivsenk pnqllevikr eyswinilli ttsilslalc gqlwqqkqfe tmhwalpcal 61 vllsvfifai gsfaffkdaf lqicniswps lkqilfktlq vifftlflil fvhaidsyvi 121 gkltqfcvki knllsk //