
KAU accessions

Twelve primers have produced 141 markers, out of which 125 were polymorphic, which indicate high level of Polymorphism existing in KAU collections. OPB 10 produced 4 unique bands in K1 and K10. K1 is very distinct and 10 primers have produced unique bands in this accession. The DNA banding pattern of this accession is very difficult from the rest of the accessions and has more no. of low molecular weight bands.

Malaysian accessions

Primers OPB 10, OPB 12, OPC 2, OPC 5, OPC 7 and OPC 13 produced unique genotype specific markers. All primers produced high polymorphic markers except OPC 2 and OPC 19, which generated monomorphic bands. These specific markers could be used as descriptor in the identification of Clones. These results indicate that RAPD is efficient in generating accession specific markers, which are useful for identification and discrimination particularly in gene banks.

Data analysis

To score RAPD profile, the size of each band was determined by comparing with DNA ladder, 100bp, 500bp and ? DNA /Hind III digest of marker (Bangalore Genei), used an molecular weight marker. Only the amplified products that consistently appeared in two replications were scored as presence/absence for further analysis. The RAPD profile were converted into binary data matrix and analyzed by similarity measure used for RAPD data was Jaccards coefficient (Jaccard, 1908), which measures the proportion of shared bands. Scoring was done for the presence or absence of bands and from these observations a binary data matrix was built.




Copyright©Bioinformatics Centre and Library, CPCRI Kasaragod