Harvest well matured, big seed pods from ideal plants.
Extract bold, larger beans to get healthy seedlings.
Rub the beans carefully with sand to remove the mucilage.
Sow them immediately in polybags of 6”x9” size and 250 gauge filled with rooting mixture 2:1:1 Soil: Sand: FYM.
Keep the seeds horizontally or vertically with hilum end down and just cover the beans with sand.
Keep them under shade nets or cover with thatches.
Irrigate gently once in alternate days.
Seeds will germinate in 10 days.
3 to 4 months old seedlings can be used as root stocks.
· Scion stick of 12-15 cm length with 2-3 buds from desirable high yielders can be collected.
· Scion sticks of chupons are preferred which require little pruning and training than fan branches.
· Root stock stem and scion stick should be of same thickness and physiological age.