Many genes and proteins are playing an important role in plantation crops. Dehydrin , DREB (Binding factors & transcription factor), Heat shock protein, LEA-Late Embryogenesis abundant, LTP- Lipid transfer protein, MAPKINASE - Mitogen activated protein kinase,SERK- Somatic Embryogenesis receptor kinase, SERK-Somatic Embryogenesis receptor kinase, WRKY- Transcription factor and14-3-3 protein are found an important proteins and genes in plants. These proteins & genes sequences were downloaded from the NCBI resources and details were provided throughout this database.
These proteins and genes fasta formatted sequences details were stored in MYSQL database and mysql query were written using PHP& MYSQL programming. Result retrival by clicking the navigation menu of the respective protein and genes. Each results will disply table veiw, link is provided on accession number for downloding genebank format. Sequences were analysed using clustalW for getting consenseous sequences and phylogram were analysed the phylogenetic relationship between the plant. This consenseous sequence were used to design primer (Primer3) and quality checked primers were validated in wetlab. For this proteins and genes 3D structure were downloaded from Protein Data Bank for providing details in this database. ClustalW, Phylogram and Designed primers results were found in this database.We can retrive the results by simply navigating the menus.