The tool helps to predict the nutrient recommendation for coconut based on the soil test values for the respective nutrient. The user have to give the input data in terms of soil texture, locality, content of organic carbon, pH, Available Phosphorus and Available Potassium. Depending on the state selected, with reference to the recommended package of practices the user will be able to get information on the required quantity of nutrients and the amount of inputs to be applied to get the required quantity of the particular nutrient.


There are various options in the tool which  provides other  links. The content of each link  will be displayed in a new web page. The options include

Home: Clicking on this option takes the user from any other page of the tool to the homepage.

About: The option ‘About’ provides a brief description about the tool.

Parameters: User can enter Parameters to predict the nutrient recommendation in this option. The user can input data in terms of soil texture, locality, content of organic carbon, pH, Available Phosphorus and Available Potassium. The prediction will be displayed in new window.

Photo Gallery: This link contains photos of different phases in soil test based nutrient recommendation.

Contact: This link provides contact information to the user.