Centre Details

Killikulam: Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Year of establishment: 1995

General information

The palmyrah centre is located in southeastern corner of Tamil Nadu State, between 8° and 22’ to 9° and 22’ North Latitude and 77°40’ and 78° East Longitude.The soils of the region sandy and red sandy soils are predominant. This region enjoys a tropical type of climate and the major area in orchard is under dry land horticultural crops and is mostly rainfed. Rainfall is received both during S.W. and N.E monsoon. The average rainfall is around 640 mm and a sizeable quantum of rain is also received during summer months, the maximum temperature shoots up to 390C coinciding with the months of June to August and the minimum temperature is around 20-220C experienced during the months of November – December. The coolest month is January and the hottest months are from May to June. The city has a very high humidity being in the coastal sector.

Staff details

Name Designation Phone No
Dr. C Ravindran Assistant Professor (Horticulture) 09380823451
Smt. P. Anantha Bai Technical Assistant --