Centre Details

Mondouri (Kalyani): Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya (BCKV), Nadia, West Bengal

Year of establishment: 2009

General information

The centre of All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Palms was sanctioned to Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV) in 1980-81. The project was started functioning at Mondouri centre, BCKV from 1981. The centre is located at the New Alluvial Zone, situated centrally between 21.5o- 24.5o North latitude and 86o-89o East longitude. Average temperature is 35-37 0C throughout the summer months. The winter is mild with average temperature being 8 to 12 0C. The natural precipitation ranges between 1600 mm and 1800 mm, average annual rainfall being 1700mm. The soil of the experimental plot was Gangetic alluvial, sandy loam in texture, well drained with medium fertility status.

Staff details

Name Designation Phone No
Dr. D K Ghosh (LKN) Sr.Scientist(PB & G) 9434718565
Scientist (Horticulture)
Mr. A. K. Dey Technical Assistant --