Centre Details

Mulde: College of Horticulture, Dr. Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, (BSKKV), Dapoli, Maharashtra

Year of establishment: 1989

General information

The experimental station is located at 16o2’ latitude,73 o42’ longitude and at an altitude of 17 m above mean sea level in Konkan region of Maharashtra. The Konkan region (Coastal part) has a characteristic feature of assured and high annual rainfall (3000 – 3500 mm) restricted between the months from June to September, high humidity and modest climate with the temperature ranging from 150 C to 350C. The soils are sandy loam with a pH around 6.01, EC 0.082 ds/m. The organic carbon in the soil is 1.23%, available N: 364 kg/ha, available P: 423 kg/ha and available K: 181.3 kg/ha. The soils are well drained with 10 to 15 per cent slope. At the field capacity, the moisture content was 28 to 30 per cent and at permanent wilting point was 16 to 18 per cent.

Staff details

Name Designation Phone No
Prof. M. S. Gawankar Asst.Professor (Hort.) 09423833200
Shri N. M. Naik Senior Technical Assistant --