Centre Details

Navasari: Horticultural Research Station, ASPEE College of Horticulture & Forestry, Navasari, Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat

Year of establishment: 2009

General information

The regional horticultural research station is situated at 200 57’ North latitude and 720 57’ East longitudes with an altitude of 12 m above MSL. The AICRP centre belongs to South Gujarat Heavy Rainfall Zone – I, AES– III. The weather is tropical and monsoon period begins from June to September. The average rainfall recorded range between 1500-1700mm. The weather is humid with an average RH is above 68.27% throughout the year. The average maximum (200-300C) and minimum temperature (12.00C- 28.10C).

The soils are deep and moderately drained clay soil with an medium fertility classified as deep black soil with soil pH 7.5 - 8.5. The major area is under coconut cultivation in the state is occupied tall varieties and it is mainly used for the tender nut and dry nut purpose.The maximum area under coconut grown as boarder crop in South Gujarat and whereas in Saurashtra of Junagadh, the coconut is grown as commercial monocropping. Refech achievement in improving overall coconut yield and its productivity of the state by encouraging the farmers to use quality planting material and advocating farmers for adoption of scientific improved technologies for coconut production.

Staff details

Name Designation Phone No
Dr. PankajPandurang Bhalerao Scientist(Horticulture) 9662532827