Centre Details

Pattukkottai: Agricultural Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Year of establishment: From 01.01.1989 at TRRI, Aduthurai From 10.12.2012 at ARS, Pattukkottai

General information

The All India Coordinated Research Project on Palms (oil palm), Agricultural Research Station, Pattukkottai is 1.5 km from Pattukkottai town. The station is situated at 10o25’ N latitude and 79o20’E longitude and at an altitude of 20m above mean sea level. The station having 11.40 ha and is situated in Cauvery meltat project under the command of Grand Anecut Canal.

Soil characteristics

The soil of experimental site is clay loam in texture with a water holding capacity of 52.5 per cent and soil pH is 7.5. The soil is low in available nitrogen (262 kg/ha), medium in available phosphorus (41 kg/ha) and high in available potassium (272 kg/ha).

Staff details

Name Designation Phone No
Dr. M Tamil Selvam Assistant Professor (Horticulture) 09585870180
Th. N. Kanagasabapathy Senior Technical Assistant --