Centre Details
Horticultural Research Station, Vijayarai, Andhra Pradesh
Year of establishment: 2017
General information
Horticultural Research Station, Vijayarai located in West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh (formerly Agricultural Research Station) was established during December, 1983. Research work on Oil Palm was initiated for the first time in Andhra Pradesh in the year 1989 to study the adaptability and performance of Oil Palm with different levels of irrigation and fertilizers. Thus, Horticultural Research Station, Vijayarai started pioneering research work on Oil Palm in the state of Andhra Pradesh which has become a basis for the spread of the crop in the state.
Soils and Weather
The entire farm area has a typical red sandy loam soil. The bulk density varied from 1.68 g/cc to 1.45g/cc in general, which decreased with increasing in depth. The soils are classified under alfisols with slight acidic to neutral in reaction, devoid of free calcium carbonate, low in available nitrogen, phosphorus and medium to high available potassium. The weather experienced during the period from 2008 to 2013 indicated that the average annual rainfall range of the region is 1,000–1,200 mm.
Staff details
Name | Designation | Phone No |
Dr. M. Kalpana | Assoc. Prof.(Hort.) | 09493132417 |