
Blackening of the distal ends of the leaflets

Bleeding patches at basal portion

Fruiting body at basal portion

Causal organism : Ganoderma applanatum and Ganoderma lucidum


Yellowing of the leaves of lowest leaf whorl, decay and death of fine roots.
  Bleeding patches appear at the base of the stem near the ground level, roots decay extensively and there is no new bunch production.
  As the disease advances leaves droop in the outer whorl followed by heavy button shedding and barren nuts.
  Formation of fruiting body near the base of palm.

Disease Management

Removal of dead palms, palms in advanced stages of the disease and destruction of the bole and root bits of these palms.
  Isolation of diseased palms from healthy palms by digging isolation trenches of 1 m deep and 30 cm wide.
  Regular basin irrigation during summer months or moisture conservation by coconut husk burial (250 husk/palm).
  Avoiding flood irrigation or ploughing in infected gardens to prevent spread of the inoculum.
  Addition of 50 kg of farmyard manure or green leaves or 200 kg tank silt per palm per year.
  Soil application of   5 kg neem cake fortified with 50g of Trichoderma talc formulation per palm per year
  Raising banana as intercrop wherever irrigation is possible.
  Soil drenching with 40 L of 1 per cent Bordeaux mixture thrice a year for one year.
  Root feeding of 2 g of Aureofungin solution+ 1 g of Copper sulphate in 100 ml of water   thrice a year at quarterly interval. Alternatively root feeding of 1% hexaconazole5EC (contaf ) at quarterly intervals for one year and soil drenching with 40 liter of 0.2% hexaconazole.